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JLPT N3 Grammar: でさえ (de sae)

でさえ (de sae)

Meaning: even; not even

How to use the: N + でさえ

Take an extreme example and conclude others (at a lower level) are natural

Example sentences:
1, 先生でさえ分からないのだから、私には無理でしょう。
Senseide sae wakaranai nodakara, watashiniha murideshou.
Even the teachers did not understand, then I also bear

2, そんなことは小学生でさえ知ってるよ。
Son’na koto wa shōgakuseide sae shitteru yo.
Such things even elementary school students know

3, サクラでさえ、いまでは半分信じているのよ。
sakura de sae, ima dewa hanbun shinjite iru no yo.
Even Sakura’s half-persuaded.

4, 日常的な語彙でさえ、気が遠くなるほどたくさんあります。
nichijouteki na goi de sae, ki ga tooku naru hodo takusan arimasu.
Even our everyday vocabulary is dauntingly huge.

Can be used in the form of:

A no koro wa jugyō-ryōdokoroka yachin sae haraenai hodo mazushikatta.
Back then, I was so destitute that I couldn’t pay for school fees, even the rent