だけあって (dake atte)
Meaning: (precisely) because; as might be expected from
How to use the:
Verb-casual + だけあって
Noun + だけあって
いadj + だけあって
なadj + なだけあって
Use when judging well, as expected. Express the cause and effect relationship
Example sentences:
1, 高かっただけあって、この車はきれい。
Takakatta dake atte, kono kuruma wa kirei.
This car was beautiful because it was expensive.
2, さすが、日本だけあって、経済が発展する
Sasuga, Nihon dake atte, keizai ga hatten suru
It is true that Japan, economic development really
3, 鈴木さんは歴史が好きなだけあって、歴史の点数はとても高い。
suzukisan wa rekishi ga suki na dake atte, rekishi no tensuu wa totemo takai.
Because Suzuki likes History, her History grades are really good.
4, 春子さんはアメリカに留学しただけあって、英語がうまいね。
haruko san wa amerika ni ryuugaku shita dake atte, eigo ga umai ne.
Since Haruko studied in America, her English is good.