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Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 30

Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 30
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.

Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Meaning
元々 もともと originally, by nature, from the start
先々月 せんせんげつ month before last
先々週 せんせんしゅう week before last
先祖 せんぞ ancestor
先程 さきほど some time ago
先端 せんたん pointed end, tip, fine point
先頭 せんとう head, lead, vanguard, first
光線 こうせん beam, light ray
免税 めんぜい tax exemption, duty exemption
児童 じどう children, juvenile
入れ物 いれもの container, case, receptacle
入社 にゅうしゃ entry to a company
全般 ぜんぱん (the) whole, universal, wholly, general
全身 ぜんしん the whole body, full-length (portrait)
全集 ぜんしゅう complete works
公共 こうきょう public, community, public service, society, communal
公務 こうむ official business, public business
公害 こうがい public nuisance, pollution
公式 こうしき formula, formality, official
公正 こうせい justice, fairness, impartiality
公衆 こうしゅう the public
公表 こうひょう official announcement, proclamation
兵隊 へいたい soldier, sailor
具える そなえる to be furnished with
兼ねる かねる to hold (position), to serve, to be unable
内科 ないか internist clinic, internal medicine
内線 ないせん phone extension, indoor wiring, inner line
円い まるい round, circular, spherical
円周 えんしゅう circumference
再三 さいさん again and again, repeatedly
再来年 さらいねん year after next
再来月 さらいげつ month after next
再来週 さらいしゅう week after next
写る うつる to be photographed, to be projected
写生 しゃせい sketching, drawing from nature
かんむり crown, diadem, first, best
冷ます さます to cool, to dampen, to let cool
冷める さめる to become cool, to wear off, to abate, to subside
冷やす ひやす to cool, to refrigerate
冷凍 れいとう freezing, cold storage, refrigeration
凍える こごえる to freeze, to be chilled, to be frozen
凸凹 でこぼこ unevenness, roughness, ruggedness
凹む へこむ to be dented, to yield to, to give, to sink, to cave in, to be snubbed
出入り でいり in & out, coming & going, income & expenditure, debits & credit
出入口 でいりぐち exit and entrance
出勤 しゅっきん going to work, at work
出合い であい an encounter
出張 しゅっちょう official tour, business trip
出掛ける でかける to depart, to set out, to start, to be going out
出来上がり できあがり be finished, ready, made for, cut out
出来上がる できあがる (1) to be finished, to be ready, by definition, (2) to be very drunk
出迎え でむかえ meeting, reception
出迎える でむかえる to meet, to greet
分かれる わかれる to branch off, to diverge from, to scatter, to divide into
分る わかる to be understood
分布 ぶんぷ distribution
分数 ぶんすう fraction (in math)
分解 ぶんかい analysis, disassembly
分量 ぶんりょう amount, quantity
分類 ぶんるい classification
列島 れっとう chain of islands
初めに はじめに first, introduction
初旬 しょじゅん first 10 days of the month
初級 しょきゅう elementary level
判事 はんじ judge, judiciary
判子 はんこ seal (used for signature)
別々 べつべつ separately, individually
別荘 べっそう holiday house, villa
利害 りがい advantages and disadvantages, interest
制作 せいさく work (film, book)
刷る する to print
刺さる ささる to stick, to be stuck
刺す さす to pierce, to stab, to prick, to thrust
刺身 さしみ sliced raw fish
刻む きざむ to mince, to carve, to engrave
剃る そる to shave
剃刀 かみそり razor
削る けずる to cut down little by little, to take a percentage
削除 さくじょ elimination, cancellation, deletion, erasure
前後 ぜんご around, throughout, front and back, before and behind, before and after
剥く むく to peel, to skin, to pare, to hull
剥す はがす to tear off, to peel off, to rip off
副詞 ふくし adverb
割と わりと relatively, comparitively
割引 わりびき discount, reduction, rebate
割算 わりざん division (math)
創作 そうさく production, literary creation, work
力強い ちからづよい reassuring, emboldened
功績 こうせき achievements, merit, meritorious service, meritorious deed
加熱 かねつ heating
加速 かそく acceleration
加速度 かそくど acceleration
助かる たすかる to be saved, to be rescued, to survive, to be helpful
助教授 じょきょうじゅ assistant professor
努める つとめる (1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under, to work (for)
効力 こうりょく effect, efficacy, validity, potency
勇ましい いさましい brave, valiant, gallant, courageous
動作 どうさ action, movements, motions, bearing, behaviour, manners
勘違い かんちがい misunderstanding, wrong guess
務める つとめる (1) to serve, to fill a post, to serve under, to work (for)
勝敗 しょうはい victory or defeat, issue (of battle)
勝負 しょうぶ victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
募集 ぼしゅう recruiting, taking applications
匂う におう to be fragrant, to smell, to stink
包帯 ほうたい bandage, dressing
包装 ほうそう packing, wrapping
北極 ほっきょく North Pole
さじ spoon
区分 くぶん division, section, classification
区切る くぎる to punctuate, to cut off, to mark off, to stop, to put an end to
区域 くいき limits, boundary, domain, zone, sphere, territory
半島 はんとう peninsula
半径 はんけい radius
卑怯 ひきょう cowardice, meanness, unfairness
卒直 そっちょく frankness, candour, openheartedness
南北 なんぼく south and north
南極 なんきょく south pole, Antarctic
南米 なんべい South America
単数 たんすう singular (number)
占う うらなう to forecast, to predict
危うい あやうい dangerous, critical, grave
却って かえって on the contrary, rather, all the more, instead
卸す おろす to sell wholesale, grated (vegetables)
厚かましい あつかましい impudent, shameless, brazen
原始 げんし origin, primeval
原料 げんりょう raw materials
原理 げんり principle, theory, fundamental truth
原産 げんさん place of origin, habitat
原稿 げんこう manuscript, copy
厳重 げんじゅう strict, rigour, severe, firm

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