Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 29
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
一休み | ひとやすみ | a rest |
一定 | いってい | fixed, settled, definite |
一応 | いちおう | once, tentatively, in outline, for the time being |
一斉 | いっせい | simultaneous, all at once |
一旦 | いったん | once, for a moment, one morning, temporarily |
一昨年 | いっさくねん | year before last |
一昨日 | いっさくじつ | day before yesterday |
一段と | いちだんと | greater, more, further, still more |
一流 | いちりゅう | first class, top grade, foremost, top-notch |
一通り | ひととおり | ordinary, usual, in general, briefly |
万歳 | ばんざい | hurrah, cheers |
三日月 | みかづき | new moon, crescent moon |
三角 | さんかく | triangle, triangular |
上り | のぼり | up-train (going to Tokyo), ascent |
上る | のぼる | to ascend, to go up, to climb |
上下 | じょうげ | high and low, up and down, unloading and loading, praising and blaming |
上旬 | じょうじゅん | first 10 days of month |
上級 | じょうきゅう | advanced level, high grade, senior |
下る | くだる | to get down, to descend |
下品 | げひん | vulgarity, meanness, indecency, coarseness |
下旬 | げじゅん | month (last third of) |
下書き | したがき | rough copy, draft |
下水 | げすい | drainage, sewage, ditch, gutter, sewerage |
下町 | したまち | Shitamachi, lower parts of town |
下線 | かせん | underline, underscore |
下車 | げしゃ | alighting, getting off |
下降 | かこう | downward, descent, fall, drop, subsidence |
下駄 | げた | geta (Japanese footwear), wooden clogs |
不潔 | ふけつ | unclean, dirty, filthy, impure |
不規則 | ふきそく | irregularity, unsteadiness, disorderly |
不通 | ふつう | suspension, interruption, stoppage, tie-up, cessation |
不運 | ふうん | unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, fate |
両側 | りょうがわ | both sides |
並木 | なみき | roadside tree, row of trees |
並行 | へいこう | (going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time |
中世 | ちゅうせい | Middle Ages, mediaeval times |
中味 | なかみ | contents, interior, substance, filling, (sword) blade |
中年 | ちゅうねん | middle-aged |
中性 | ちゅうせい | neuter gender, neutral (chem.), indifference, sterility |
中指 | なかゆび | middle finger |
中旬 | ちゅうじゅん | second third of a month |
中身 | なかみ | contents, interior, substance, filling, (sword) blade |
中途 | ちゅうと | in the middle, half-way |
中間 | ちゅうかん | middle, midway, interim |
主役 | しゅやく | leading part, leading actor (actress) |
主語 | しゅご | (gram) subject |
丼 | どんぶり | porcelain bowl, bowl of rice with food on top |
乗換 | のりかえ | (n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.) |
乗車 | じょうしゃ | taking a train, entraining |
乱暴 | らんぼう | rude, violent, rough, lawless, unreasonable, reckless |
乾かす | かわかす | to dry (clothes, etc.), to desiccate |
乾杯 | かんぱい | toast (drink) |
乾燥 | かんそう | dry, arid, insipid, dehydrated |
乾電池 | かんでんち | dry cell, battery |
予備 | よび | preparation, preliminaries, reserve, spare |
争う | あらそう | to dispute, to argue, to be at variance, to compete |
五十音 | ごじゅうおん | the Japanese syllabary |
井戸 | いど | water well |
亡くす | なくす | to lose someone, wife, child, etc |
交ざる | まざる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to join |
交じる | まじる | to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with |
交ぜる | まぜる | to be mixed, to be blended with |
交差 | こうさ | cross |
交替 | こうたい | alternation, change, relief, relay, shift |
交流 | こうりゅう | alternating current, intercourse, (cultural) exchange, intermingling |
交通機関 | こうつうきかん | transportation facilities |
人命 | じんめい | (human) life |
人差指 | ひとさしゆび | index finger |
人文科学 | じんぶんかがく | social sciences, humanities |
人通り | ひとどおり | pedestrian traffic |
人造 | じんぞう | man-made, synthetic, artificial |
仕上がる | しあがる | to be finished |
付合う | つきあう | to associate with, to keep company with, to get on with |
付近 | ふきん | neighbourhood, vicinity, environs |
代える | かえる | to exchange, to interchange, to substitute, to replace |
代る | かわる | to take the place of, to relieve, to be substituted for |
代名詞 | だいめいし | pronoun |
以後 | いご | after this, from now on, hereafter, thereafter |
以降 | いこう | on and after, hereafter, thereafter |
仮名 | かな | (n) alias, pseudonym, pen name |
仮名遣い | かなづかい | kana orthography, syllabary spelling |
仮定 | かてい | assumption, supposition, hypothesis |
仲直り | なかなおり | reconciliation, make peace with |
仲良し | なかよし | intimate friend, bosom buddy, chum |
休息 | きゅうそく | rest, relief, relaxation |
休業 | きゅうぎょう | closed (e.g. store), business suspended, shutdown, holiday |
休講 | きゅうこう | lecture cancelled |
休養 | きゅうよう | rest, break, recreation |
会館 | かいかん | meeting hall, assembly hall |
伝わる | つたわる | to be handed down, to be introduced, to be transmitted |
伝染 | でんせん | contagion |
伝記 | でんき | biography, life story |
伯母さん | おばさん | (hon) aunt |
伯父さん | おじさん | middle-aged gentleman, uncle |
但し | ただし | but, however, provided that |
低下 | ていか | fall, decline, lowering, deterioration |
住まい | すまい | dwelling, house, residence, address |
住居 | じゅうきょ | dwelling, house, residence, address |
体制 | たいせい | order, system, structure, set-up, organization |
体操 | たいそう | gymnastics, physical exercises, calisthenics |
体積 | たいせき | capacity, volume |
体系 | たいけい | system, organization |
何々 | なになに | such and such, What? |
何分 | なにぶん | what minute?, how many minutes? |
余る | あまる | to remain, to be left over, to be in excess, to be too many |
余所 | よそ | another place, somewhere else, strange parts |
余計 | よけい | too much, unnecessary, abundance, surplus, excess, superfluity |
佚 | いつ | be lost, peace, hide, mistake, beautiful, in turn |
作る/造る | つくる | to make, to create |
作成 | さくせい | frame, draw up, make, producing |
作者 | さくしゃ | author, authoress |
作製 | さくせい | manufacture |
例える | たとえる | to compare, to liken, to speak figuratively, to illustrate, to use a simile |
例外 | れいがい | exception |
侵入 | しんにゅう | penetration, invasion, raid, aggression, trespass |
便所 | べんじょ | toilet, lavatory, rest room, latrine, comfort station |
便箋 | びんせん | writing paper, stationery |
係わる | かかわる | to concern oneself with, to influence, to stick to (opinions) |
俄 | にわか | sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand |
保健 | ほけん | health preservation, hygiene, sanitation |
信ずる | しんずる | to believe, to believe in, to place trust in |
修繕 | しゅうぜん | repair, mending |
倉庫 | そうこ | storehouse, warehouse, godown |
個体 | こたい | an individual |
個所 | かしょ | passage, place, point, part |
倣う | ならう | to imitate, to follow, to emulate |
偉い | えらい | great, celebrated, eminent, terrible, awful, famous, remarkable, excellent |
停止 | ていし | suspension, interruption, stoppage, ban |
停車 | ていしゃ | stopping (e.g. train) |
停電 | ていでん | failure of electricity |
偶数 | ぐうすう | even number |
傑作 | けっさく | masterpiece, best work, boner, blunder |
催し | もよおし | event, festivities, function |
催促 | さいそく | request, demand, claim, urge (action), press for |
傾く | かたむく | to incline toward, to slant, to lurch |
傾らか | なだらか | gently sloping, smooth |
儀式 | ぎしき | ceremony, rite, ritual, service |
儲かる | もうかる | to be profitable, to yield a profit |
儲ける | もうける | to get, to earn, to gain, to have (bear, beget) a child |
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