Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 28
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
針 | はり | needle, hand (e.g. clock) |
釣 | つり | fishing |
鉄 | てつ | iron |
鉄道 | てつどう | railroad |
銀 | ぎん | (1) silver, silver coin, silver paint |
銃 | じゅう | gun |
銅貨 | どうか | copper coin |
鋭い | するどい | pointed, sharp |
鍋 | なべ | saucepan, pot |
鍵 | かぎ | key |
鎖 | くさり | chain |
長期 | ちょうき | long time period |
閉じる | とじる | to close (e.g. book, eyes), to shut |
開始 | かいし | start, commencement, beginning |
間 | ま | space, room, time, pause |
間違い | まちがい | mistake |
関する | かんする | to concern, to be related |
関心 | かんしん | concern, interest |
関連 | かんれん | relation, connection, relevance |
防ぐ | ふせぐ | to defend (against), to protect, to prevent |
降ろす | おろす | to take down, to launch, to drop |
限る | かぎる | to restrict, to limit, to confine |
限界 | げんかい | limit, bound |
除く | のぞく | to remove, to exclude, to except |
陰 | かげ | shade, shadow, other side |
陸 | りく | (the) land |
陽気な | ようき | cheerful, lively, merry |
随分 | ずいぶん | extremely |
際 | さい | on the occasion of, circumstances |
障害 | しょうがい | obstacle, impediment (fault), damage |
隠す | かくす | to hide, to conceal |
隠れる | かくれる | to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear |
集まり | あつまり | gathering, meeting, assembly, collection |
集中 | しゅうちゅう | concentration, focusing the mind |
集団 | しゅうだん | group, mass |
雇う | やとう | to employ, to hire |
離す | はなす | to part, divide, separate |
離れる | はなれる | to be separated from, to leave, to go away, to be a long way off |
離婚 | りこん | divorce |
雰囲気 | ふんいき | atmosphere (e.g. musical), mood, ambience |
雷 | かみなり | thunder |
電子 | でんし | electron |
需要 | じゅよう | demand, request |
震える | ふるえる | to shiver, to shake, to quake |
霜 | しも | frost |
霧 | きり | fog, mist |
青年 | せいねん | youth, young man |
非常 | ひじょう | emergency, extraordinary, unusual |
面 | めん | a mask, the face, the surface, an aspect, a side, |
面倒 | めんどう | trouble, difficulty, care, attention |
革 | かわ | leather |
音 | おん | sound, note |
頂く | いただく | to receive, to take food or drink (hum) |
頂上 | ちょうじょう | top, summit, peak |
頃 | ころ | time, about, toward, approximately (time) |
順 | じゅん | order, turn |
順番 | じゅんばん | turn (in line), order of things |
順調 | じゅんちょう | favourable, doing well, O.K., all right |
預ける | あずける | to give into custody, to entrust, to deposit |
頬 | ほお | cheek (of face) |
頬 | ほほ | cheek (of face) |
頭痛 | ずつう | headache |
頼る | たよる | to rely on, to have recourse to, to depend on |
題 | だい | title, subject, theme, topic |
額 | がく | picture frame |
額 | ひたい | forehead, brow |
願い | ねがい | desire, wish, request |
願う | ねがう | to desire, to wish, to request |
風呂 | ふろ | bath |
風景 | ふうけい | scenery |
飛ばす | とばす | to skip over, to omit |
飛び出す | とびだす | to jump out, to rush out, to fly out |
飛行 | ひこう | aviation |
食う | くう | (male) (vulg) to eat |
食事 | しょくじ・する | meal, to have a meal |
食卓 | しょくたく | dining table |
食品 | しょくひん | commodity, foodstuff |
食料 | しょくりょう | food |
食欲 | しょくよく | appetite (for food) |
食物 | しょくもつ | food, foodstuff |
食糧 | しょくりょう | provisions, rations |
飯 | めし | (sl) meals, food |
飼う | かう | to keep, to raise, to feed |
飽きる | あきる | to get tired of, to lose interest in, to have enough |
餌 | えさ | feed, bait |
首相 | しゅしょう | Prime Minister |
首都 | しゅと | capital city |
香り | かおり | aroma, fragrance, scent, smell |
馬 | うま | (1) horse, (2) promoted bishop (shogi) |
馬鹿 | ばか | fool, idiot, trivial matter, folly |
駄目 | だめ | useless, no good, hopeless |
駐車 | ちゅうしゃ | parking (e.g. car) |
騒ぎ | さわぎ | uproar, disturbance |
騒音 | そうおん | noise |
骨 | ほね | bone |
骨折 | こっせつ | bone fracture |
高価 | こうか | high price |
高速 | こうそく | high speed, high gear |
髪の毛 | かみのけ | hair (head) |
鬼 | おに | ogre, demon, it (i.e., in a game of tag) |
魅力 | みりょく | charm, fascination, glamour |
魚 | うお | fish |
黒板 | こくばん | blackboard |
黙る | だまる | to be silent |
鼠 | ねずみ | mouse, rat |
お代わり | おかわり | second helping, another cup |
お出掛け | おでかけ | just about to leave |
お参り | おまいり | worship, shrine visit |
お帰り | おかえり | return, welcome |
お手伝いさん | おてつだいさん | maid |
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