Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 24
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
現す | あらわす | to show, to indicate, to display |
現れ | あらわれ | embodiment, materialization |
現れる | あらわれる | (1) to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, (2) to express oneself |
現代 | げんだい | nowadays, modern times, present-day |
現在 | げんざい | present, up to now, nowadays, modern times, current |
現場 | げんば | actual spot, scene, scene of the crime |
現実 | げんじつ | reality |
現状 | げんじょう | present condition, existing state, status quo |
現象 | げんしょう | phenomenon |
現金 | げんきん | cash, ready money, mercenary, |
球 | きゅう | globe, sphere, ball |
球 | たま | globe, sphere, ball |
理想 | りそう | ideal |
理解 | りかい | understanding, comprehension |
環境 | かんきょう | environment, circumstance |
瓶 | びん | bottle |
生 | なま | (1) draft (beer), (2) raw, unprocessed |
生き物 | いきもの | living thing, animal |
生じる | しょうじる | to produce, to yield, to result from, to arise, to be generated |
生まれ | うまれ | birth, birth-place |
生命 | せいめい | life, existence |
生地 | きじ | birthplace |
生物 | せいぶつ | raw food |
生産 | せいさん | production, manufacture |
用いる | もちいる | to use, to make use of |
用心 | ようじん | care, precaution, guarding, caution |
田 | た | rice field |
申し訳 | もうしわけ | apology, excuse |
申し込む | もうしこむ | to apply for, to make an application |
男の人 | おとこのひと | man |
男子 | だんし | a boy, a man, a male |
画家 | がか | painter, artist |
畑 | はたけ | field |
留める | とめる | to fasten, to turn off, to detain |
留学 | りゅうがく | studying abroad |
番 | ばん | counter for a number |
異なる | ことなる | to differ, to vary, to disagree |
異常 | いじょう | strangeness, abnormality, disorder |
疑う | うたがう | to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspect |
疑問 | ぎもん | question, problem, doubt, guess |
疲れ | つかれ | tiredness, fatigue |
症状 | しょうじょう | symptoms, condition |
痛み | いたみ | pain, ache, sore, grief, distress |
癖 | くせ | a habit (often a bad habit), peculiarity |
発展 | はってん | development, growth |
発明 | はつめい | invention |
発行 | はっこう | issue (publications) |
発表 | はっぴょう | announcement, publication |
発見 | はっけん | discovery, detection, finding |
発車 | はっしゃ | departure of a vehicle |
発達 | はったつ | development, growth |
登山 | とざん | mountain-climbing |
皆 | みんな | all, everyone, everybody |
皮 | かわ | skin, hide, leather, fur, pelt, bark, shell |
皿 | さら | plate, dish |
盛り | さかり | the highest, the peak, prime |
監督 | かんとく | supervision, control, superintendence |
目標 | もくひょう | mark, objective, target |
目的 | もくてき | purpose, goal, aim, objective, intention |
直ちに | ただちに | at once, immediately, directly, in person |
直に | じかに | immediately, readily, directly |
直接 | ちょくせつ | direct, immediate, personal, firsthand |
相当 | そうとう | suitable, fair, tolerable, proper |
相手 | あいて | companion, partner, company |
相続 | そうぞく | succession, inheritance |
相談 | そうだん/そうだんする | consultation, discussion, to consult, to discuss |
省く | はぶく | to omit, to eliminate, to curtail, to economize |
県 | けん | prefecture |
真っ直ぐ | まっすぐ | straight (ahead), direct, upright |
真っ赤 | まっか | deep red, flushed (of face) |
真似 | まね | mimicry, imitation, behavior, pretense |
真剣 | しんけん | seriousness, earnestness |
真面目 | まじめ | diligent, serious, honest |
眺め | ながめ | scene, view, prospect, outlook |
眺める | ながめる | to view, to gaze at |
睡眠 | すいみん | sleep |
瞬間 | しゅんかん | moment, second, instant |
知らせ | しらせ | notice |
知事 | ちじ | prefectural governor |
知恵 | ちえ | wisdom, intelligence, advice |
知能 | ちのう | intelligence, brains |
知識 | ちしき | knowledge, information |
石油 | せきゆ | oil, petroleum, kerosene |
石炭 | せきたん | coal |
砂漠 | さばく | desert |
破る | やぶる | to tear, to violate, to defeat, to smash, to destroy |
破産 | はさん | (personal) bankruptcy |
硬い | かたい | solid, hard (esp. metal, stone), unpolished writing |
硬貨 | こうか | coin |
確かめる | たしかめる | to ascertain, confirm |
確実 | かくじつ | certainty, reliability, soundness |
確認 | かくにん | affirmation, confirmation |
示す | しめす | to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate |
礼 | れい | expression of gratitude |
礼儀 | れいぎ | manners, courtesy, etiquette |
祝い | いわい | celebration, festival |
祝う | いわう | to congratulate, to celebrate |
神 | かみ | god |
神経 | しんけい | nerve, sensitivity |
祭 | まつり | festival, feast |
禁止 | きんし | prohibition, ban |
禁煙 | きんえん | No Smoking! |
科目 | かもく | (school) subject, curriculum, course |
秒 | びょう | second (60th min) |
秘密 | ひみつ | secret, secrecy |
移す | うつす | to remove, to transfer, to infect |
移動 | いどう | removal, migration, movement |
程 | ほど | degree, extent, bounds, limit |
程度 | ていど | degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number) |
税 | ぜい | a tax |
税金 | ぜいきん | tax, duty |
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