Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 18
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.
Kanji | Hiragana/ Katakana | Meaning |
友 | とも | friend, companion, pal |
友人 | ゆうじん | friend |
友情 | ゆうじょう | friendship, fellowship |
双子 | ふたご | twins, a twin |
反抗 | はんこう | opposition, resistance |
収める | おさめる | to obtain, to reap, to pay, to supply, to accept |
収入 | しゅうにゅう | income, receipts, revenue |
収穫 | しゅうかく | harvest, crop, ingathering |
取り上げる | とりあげる | to take up, to pick up, to disqualify, to confiscate, to deprive |
取れる | とれる | to come off, to be taken off, to be removed |
受け取る | うけとる | to receive, to get, to accept, to take |
句 | く | sentence |
叩く | たたく | to strike, to clap, to dust, to beat |
叫ぶ | さけぶ | to shout, to cry |
可 | か | passable |
可能 | かのう | possible, practicable, feasible |
台 | だい | stand, rack, table, support, counter for machine |
叱る | しかる | to scold |
合わせる | あわせる | to join together, to be opposite, to face, to unite |
合図 | あいず | sign, signal |
合格 | ごうかく | success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility |
合計 | ごうけい | sum total, total amount |
同一 | どういつ | identity, sameness, similarity |
同僚 | どうりょう | coworker, colleague, associate |
同時 | どうじ | simultaneous(ly), concurrent, same time, synchronous |
同様 | どうよう | identical, equal to, same (kind), like |
名 | な | name, reputation |
名人 | めいじん | master, expert |
吐く | はく | to breathe out, to vomit |
向かい | むかい | facing, opposite, across the street, other side |
向く | むく | to face |
向ける | むける | to turn towards, to point |
吠える | ほえる | to bark, to bay, to howl, to bellow, to roar, to cry |
否 | いや | no, the nose |
否定 | ひてい | negation, denial, repudiation |
含む | ふくむ | to hold in the mouth, to bear in mind |
吸収 | きゅうしゅう | absorption, suction, attraction |
周囲 | しゅうい | surroundings, circumference, environs |
味方 | みかた | friend, ally, supporter |
呼吸 | こきゅう | breath, respiration |
命 | いのち | , life, destiny |
命じる | めいじる | to order, to command, to appoint |
命令 | めいれい | order, command, decree, directive, (software) instruction |
咳 | せき | cough |
哀れ | あわれ | helpless, pity, sorrow, grief |
品 | しな | thing, article, goods, dignity, article (goods), counter for meal courses |
品 | ひん | elegance, grace, dignity, |
哲学 | てつがく | philosophy |
唯 | ただ | mere, sole, only |
唯 | たった | only (use with a word which indicates numbers) |
唯一 | ゆいいつ | only, sole, unique |
商人 | しょうにん | trader, shopkeeper, merchant |
商品 | しょうひん | commodity, article of commerce, goods, stock, merchandise |
商売 | しょうばい | trade, business, commerce, transaction, occupation |
問い | とい | question, query |
善 | ぜん | good, goodness, right, virtue |
喉 | のど | throat |
喜び | よろこび | (a) joy, (a) delight, congratulations, felicitations |
喧嘩 | けんか | quarrel, (drunken) brawl, failure |
営業 | えいぎょう | business, trade, management |
嘘 | うそ | lie, falsehood, incorrect fact, inappropriate |
噂 | うわさ | rumour, report, gossip, common talk |
器用 | きよう | skillful, handy |
四 | し/よん | four |
四 | よん | four |
回 | かい | counter for occurrences |
回す | まわす | to turn, to revolve |
回り | まわり | circumference, surroundings, circulation |
回復 | かいふく | recovery (from illness), improvement, rehabilitation, restoration |
団体 | だんたい | organization, association, a group |
困難 | こんなん | difficulty, distress |
囲む | かこむ | to surround, to encircle |
図 | ず | figure (e.g. Fig 1), drawing, picture, illustration |
図書 | としょ | books |
国会 | こっかい | National Diet, parliament, congress |
国境 | こっきょう | national or state border |
国家 | こっか | state, country, nation |
国民 | こくみん | national, people, citizen |
国語 | こくご | national language |
土 | つち | earth, soil |
土地 | とち | plot of land, lot, soil |
土曜/土曜日 | どよう/どようび | Saturday |
土産 | みやげ | present, souvenir |
地 | ち | earth |
地下 | ちか | basement, underground |
地位 | ちい | (social) position, status |
地区 | ちく | district, section, sector |
地域 | ちいき | area, region |
地平線 | ちへいせん | horizon |
地方 | ちほう | area, locality, district, region, the coast |
地球 | ちきゅう | the earth |
型 | かた | mold, model, style, shape, data-type |
埃 | ほこり | dust |
城 | しろ | castle |
基 | もと | basis |
基づく | もとづく | to be grounded on, to be based on, to be due to, to originate from |
基本 | きほん | foundation, basis, standard |
報告 | ほうこく | report, information |
場 | ば | place, field (physics) |
場面 | ばめん | scene, setting (e.g. of novel) |
塀 | へい | wall, fence |
塔 | とう | tower, pagoda |
塵 | ごみ | dust, dirt rubbish |
境 | さかい | border, boundary, mental state |
墓 | はか | grave, tomb |
増す | ます | to increase, to grow |
増加 | ぞうか | increase, addition |
売れる | うれる | to be sold |
変化 | へんか | goblin, ghost, apparition, bugbear |
変更 | へんこう | change, modification, alteration |
夕べ | ゆうべ | evening |
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