450 JLPT N1 Vocabulary – Part 1
This is the list of words you need to study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N1.
No. | Kanji | Hiragana | Romaji | Meaning |
1 | 赤字 | あかじ | akaji | deficit |
2 | 悪事 | あくじ | akuji | evil deed, crime |
3 | 圧倒 | あっとう | attou | overwhelm, overpower |
4 | 扱い | あつかい | atsukai | treatment, service |
5 | 圧力 | あつりょく | atsuryoku | pressure, stress |
6 | 過ち | あやまち | ayamachi | fault, error, indiscretion |
7 | 買収 | ばいしゅう | baishuu | acquisition, buy-out, takeover |
8 | 爆弾 | ばくだん | bakudan | bomb |
9 | 弁護 | べんご | bengo | defence, pleading, advocacy |
10 | 弁解 | べんかい | benkai | justification, explanation |
11 | 弁明 | べんめい | benmei | explanation, excuse |
12 | 貧乏 | びんぼう | binbou | poverty, destitute, poor |
13 | 敏感 | びんかん | binkan | sensibility, susceptibility |
14 | 微笑 | びしょう | bishou | smile |
15 | 膨張 | ぼうちょう | bouchou | expansion, swelling, increase |
16 | 防衛 | ぼうえい | bouei | defense, protection |
17 | 暴力 | ぼうりょく | bouryoku | violence, mayhem |
18 | 侮辱 | ぶじょく | bujoku | insult, affront, slight |
19 | 部下 | ぶか | buka | subordinate person |
20 | 分配 | ぶんぱい | bunpai | division, splitting, sharing |
21 | 分散 | ぶんさん | bunsan | dispersion, breakup |
22 | 文書 | ぶんしょ | bunsho | document, writing, paperwork |
23 | 無礼 | ぶれい | burei | impolite, rude |
24 | 武装 | busou | arms, armament | |
25 | 着手 | ちゃくしゅ | chakushu | to start work (on), to undertake |
26 | 近づく | ちかづ·く | chikazuku | to approach, to draw near |
27 | 蓄積 | ちくせき | chikuseki | accumulation, accumulate |
28 | 賃金 | ちんぎん | chingin | wages |
29 | 沈黙 | ちんもく | chinmoku | silence, being silent |
30 | 知性 | ちせい | chisei | intelligence |
31 | 秩序 | ちつじょ | chitsujo | order, regularity |
32 | 直感 | ちょっかん | chokkan | intuition, instinct, hunch |
33 | 直面 | ちょくめん | chokumen | confrontation, to face |
34 | 挑戦 | ちょうせん | chousen | challenge, defiance, dare |
35 | 調達 | ちょうたつ | choutatsu | supply, provision |
36 | 中断 | ちゅうだん | chuudan | interruption, suspension, break |
37 | 忠実 | ちゅうじつ | chuujitsu | faithfulness, devotion, loyalty |
38 | 忠告 | ちゅうこく | chuukoku | advice, warning |
39 | 打撃 | だげき | dageki | blow, shock, strike |
40 | 大胆 | だいたん | daitan | bold, daring, audacious |
41 | 妥協 | だきょう | dakyou | compromise, giving in |
42 | 団結 | だんけつ | danketsu | unity, union, combination |
43 | 脱出 | だっしゅつ | dasshutsu | escape, break-out |
44 | 土台 | どだい | dodai | foundation, base, basis |
45 | 独裁 | どくさい | dokusai | dictatorship, despotism |
46 | 独占 | どくせん | dokusen | monopoly, monopolization |
47 | 度胸 | どきょう | dokyou | courage, bravery, nerve |
48 | 動員 | どういん | douin | mobilization |
49 | 同情 | どうじょう | doujou | sympathy, compassion |
50 | 動機 | どうき | douki | motive, incentive |
51 | 同盟 | どうめい | doumei | alliance, union, league |
52 | 同類 | どうるい | dourui | the same kind |
53 | 同士 | どうし | doushi | fellow, companion, comrade |
54 | 同等 | どうとう | doutou | equality, equal, same rights |
55 | 動揺 | どうよう | douyou | shaking, trembling, disturbance |
56 | 映像 | えいぞう | eizou | reflection, image, video |
57 | 演じる | えんじる | enjiru | to perform (a play), to play (a part) |
58 | 不動産 | ふどうさん | fudousan | real estate |
59 | 腐敗 | ふはい | fuhai | decomposition, corruption, decay |
60 | 不可欠 | ふかけつ | fukaketsu | indispensable, essential |
61 | 復讐 | ふくしゅう | fukushuu | revenge |
62 | 紛争 | funsou | dispute, trouble, strife | |
63 | 相応しい | ふさわしい | fusawashii | appropriate, adequate |
64 | 負傷 | ふしょう | fushou | injury, wound |
65 | 負担 | ふたん | futan | burden, charge, responsibility |
66 | 不当 | ふとう | futou | injustice, impropriety, unfair |
67 | 封鎖 | ふうさ | fuusa | blockade |
68 | 概念 | がいねん | gainen | general idea, concept |
69 | 現地 | げんち | genchi | actual place, local |
70 | 厳密 | げんみつ | genmitsu | strict, close, precise |
71 | 減少 | げんしょう | genshou | decrease, reduction, decline |
72 | 原則 | げんそく | gensoku | principle, general rule |
73 | 幻想 | げんそう | gensou | illusions |
74 | 犠牲 | ぎせい | gisei | victim, sacrifice, scapegoat |
75 | 合成 | ごうせい | gousei | composition, synthesis |
76 | 軍事 | ぐんじ | gunji | military affairs |
77 | 業務 | ぎょうむ | gyoumu | business, affairs, duties |
78 | 業績 | ぎょうせき | gyouseki | achievement, performance, results |
79 | 把握 | はあく | haaku | grasp, catch, understanding |
80 | 阻む | はばむ | habamu | to keep someone from doing, to prevent |
81 | 肺 | はい | hai | lung |
82 | 配置 | はいち | haichi | arrangement, deployment |
83 | 背後 | はいご | haigo | back, rear, background |
84 | 排除 | はいじょ | haijo | exclusion, removal, elimination |
85 | 配慮 | はいりょ | hairyo | consideration, concern, attention |
86 | 廃止 | はいし | haishi | abolition, repeal |
87 | 破壊 | はかい | hakai | destruction, disruption |
88 | 派遣 | はけん | haken | dispatch, despatch, deployment |
89 | 白状 | はくじょう | hakujou | confession |
90 | 繁栄 | はんえい | hanei | prosperity, thriving |
91 | 反応 | はんのう | hannou | reaction, response |
92 | 反乱 | はんらん | hanran | insurrection, rebellion |
93 | 発生 | はっせい | hassei | outbreak, spring forth, occurrence |
94 | 果たす | はたす | hatasu | to accomplish, to achieve |
95 | 発言 | はつげん | hatsugen | statement, remark |
96 | 兵器 | へいき | heiki | arms, weapons, ordnance |
97 | 閉鎖 | へいさ | heisa | closing, shutdown, lockout |
98 | 兵士 | へいし | heishi | soldier |
99 | 変動 | へんどう | hendou | change, fluctuation |
100 | 変革 | へんかく | henkaku | change, transformation |
101 | 偏見 | へんけん | henken | prejudice, narrow view |
102 | 率いる | ひきいる | hikiiru | to lead, to command |
103 | 悲鳴 | ひめい | himei | shriek, scream |
104 | 非難 | ひなん | hinan | criticism, blame, reproach |
105 | 避難 | ひなん | hinan | taking refuge, finding shelter |
106 | 貧困 | ひんこん | hinkon | poor, needy |
107 | 頻繁 | ひんぱん | hinpan | frequent, incessant |
108 | 疲労 | ひろう | hirou | fatigue, weariness |
109 | 悲惨 | ひさん | hisan | disastrous, tragic |
110 | 匹敵 | ひってき | hitteki | to be a match for, to rival |
111 | 必然 | ひつぜん | hitsuzen | inevitable, necessary |
112 | 施す | ほどこす | hodokosu | to give, to do, to conduct |
113 | 保護 | ほご | hogo | care; protection; shelter; patronage |
114 | 保険 | ほけん | hoken | insurance, guarantee |
115 | 本能 | ほんのう | honnou | instinct |
116 | 本心 | ほんしん | honshin | true feelings |
117 | 本質 | ほんしつ | honshitsu | essence, true nature |
118 | 崩壊 | ほうかい | houkai | collapse, crumbling |
119 | 放棄 | ほうき | houki | abandonment, renunciation |
120 | 方策 | ほうさく | housaku | plan, policy |
121 | 報酬 | ほうしゅう | houshuu | remuneration, recompense, reward |
122 | 法廷 | ほうてい | houtei | courtroom |
123 | 票 | ひょう | hyou | vote, ballot |
124 | 一部 | いちぶ | ichibu | one part, one portion |
125 | 著しい | いちじるしい | ichijirushii | striking, remarkable, considerable |
126 | 移住 | いじゅう | ijuu | migration, immigration |
127 | 怒り | いかり | ikari | anger, rage, fury |
128 | 一刻 | いっこく | ikkoku | minute, moment, an instant |
129 | 移行 | いこう | ikou | migration, transition |
130 | 移民 | いみん | imin | emigration, immigration |
131 | 痛める | いためる | itameru | to hurt, to cause pain |
132 | 痛む | いたむ | itamu | to hurt, to ache, to feel a pain |
133 | 意図 | いと | ito | intention, aim, design |
134 | 営む | いとなむ | itonamu | to run (a business), to operate |
135 | 意欲 | いよく | iyoku | will, desire, ambition |
136 | 依然 | いぜん | izen | still, as yet |
137 | 依存 | いぞん | izon | dependence, reliance |
138 | 地獄 | じごく | jigoku | hell |
139 | 事業 | じぎょう | jigyou | enterprise, business, industry |
140 | 自覚 | じかく | jikaku | self-consciousness, self-awareness |
141 | 地元 | じもと | jimoto | home area, local |
142 | 迅速 | じんそく | jinsoku | quick, fast, rapid, swift |
143 | 実践 | じっせん | jissen | practice, putting into practice |
144 | 実質 | じっしつ | jisshitsu | substance, essence |
145 | 事前 | じぜん | jizen | prior, beforehand |
146 | 持続 | じぞく | jizoku | continuation, persisting, lasting |
147 | 助言 | じょげん | jogen | advice, suggestion |
148 | 譲歩 | じょうほ | jouho | concession, conciliation |
149 | 情熱 | じょうねつ | jounetsu | passion, enthusiasm |
150 | 上陸 | じょうりく | jouriku | landing, disembarkation |
151 | 情勢 | じょうせい | jousei | state of things, state of affairs |
152 | 従業員 | じゅうぎょういん | juugyouin | employee, worker |
153 | 柔軟 | じゅうなん | juunan | flexible, lithe, soft, pliable |
154 | 株式 | かぶしき | kabushiki | stock (company) |
155 | 課題 | かだい | kadai | subject, theme, issue, matter |
156 | 開発 | かいはつ | kaihatsu | development, exploitation |
157 | 回避 | かいひ | kaihi | evasion, avoidance |
158 | 解除 | かいじょ | kaijo | cancellation, release |
159 | 改革 | かいかく | kaikaku | reform, reformation |
160 | 階級 | かいきゅう | kaikyuu | (social) class, rank, grade |
161 | 介入 | かいにゅう | kainyuu | intervention |
162 | 賭け | かけ | kake | betting, gambling |
163 | 賭ける | かける | kakeru | to wager, to bet, to gamble |
164 | 確保 | かくほ | kakuho | guarantee, maintain, ensure |
165 | 革命 | かくめい | kakumei | revolution |
166 | 確信 | かくしん | kakushin | conviction, belief, confidence |
167 | 肝心 | かんじん | kanjin | essential, fundamental, crucial |
168 | 完璧 | かんぺき | kanpeki | perfect, complete, flawless |
169 | 官僚 | かんりょう | kanryou | bureaucrat, bureaucracy |
170 | 監視 | かんし | kanshi | monitoring, watching, observation |
171 | 干渉 | かんしょう | kanshou | interference, intervention, meddling |
172 | 関与 | かんよ | kanyo | participation, taking part in |
173 | 寛容 | kanyou | tolerance, generosity | |
174 | 固める | かためる | katameru | to harden, to solidify |
175 | 傾ける | かたむける | katamukeru | to incline, to lean, to tilt |
176 | 交わす | かわす | kawasu | to exchange, to intersect, to cross |
177 | 軽減 | けいげん | keigen | abatement, reduction |
178 | 経費 | けいひ | keihi | expenses, cost, outlay |
179 | 経過 | けいか | keika | passage, expiration, progress |
180 | 警戒 | けいかい | keikai | vigilance, caution, alertness |
181 | 経歴 | けいれき | keireki | personal history, career |
182 | 経路 | けいろ | keiro | course, route, means |
183 | 形成 | けいせい | keisei | formation, molding, taking form |
184 | 携帯 | けいたい | keitai | something carried (in the hand) |
185 | 権限 | けんげん | kengen | power, authority, jurisdiction |
186 | 権威 | けんい | keni | authority, power, influence |
187 | 権力 | けんりょく | kenryoku | (political) power, authority |
188 | 決断 | けつだん | ketsudan | decision, determination |
189 | 決意 | けつい | ketsui | decision, determination |
190 | 規模 | きぼ | kibo | scale, scope, plan |
191 | 危機 | きき | kiki | crisis, danger, risk |
192 | 機構 | きこう | kikou | mechanism, organization |
193 | 勤勉 | きんべん | kinben | diligent, industrious |
194 | 緊急 | きんきゅう | kinkyuu | urgent, pressing, emergency |
195 | 規制 | きせい | kisei | regulation, control, restriction |
196 | 奇跡 | きせき | kiseki | miracle, wonder, marvel |
197 | 競う | きそう | kisou | to compete, to contest |
198 | 規定 | きてい | kitei | provision, regulation, rule |
199 | 気絶 | きぜつ | kizetsu | faint, swoon |
200 | 築く | きずく | kizuku | to build, to construct |
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