1000 Most Common Japanese Words List- Part 9
801. あんまり (anmari) : (not) that much, (not) so much
802. いきなり (ikinari) : all of a sudden, suddenly
803. 表 (omote) : front, outside
804. 汚れ (yogore) : dirt, blot
805. 間 (aida) : interval, space between things
806. 紫 (murasaki) : purple
807. 灰色 (haiiro) : ash color, gray
808. 血 (chi) : blood (colloquial)
809. 顎 (ago) : jaw, chin
810. 始めに (hajimeni) : in the beginning, first
811. 暖まる (atatameru) : get warm
812. お世辞 (oseji) : compliment, flattery
813. 袋 (fukuro) : bag, sack
814. 長袖 (nagasode) : long sleeves
815. 半袖 (hansode) : short sleeves
816. 形 (katachi) : shape, form
817. 景色 (keshiki) : natural scenery or landscape
818. ざあざあ (zaazaa) : pouring
819. 再来月 (saraigetsu) : the month after next
820. 泊める (tomeru) : let (someone) stay over
821. 叱る (shikaru) : scold, reprimand
822. 騒ぐ (sawagu) : make a noise, make a racket
823. 車道 (Shadou) : road, roadway (for cars)
824. 掃除機 (Soujiki) : vacuum cleaner
825. 剃る (soru) : shave
826. 貼る (haru) : stick, paste, put
827. 台 (dai) : stand, table
828. 主に (omoni) : mostly, predominantly
829. 倒す (taosu) : knock down, overthrow
830. 星 (hoshi) : star, planet
831. 長女 (choujo) : eldest daughter
832. 爪 (tsume) : nail, claw
833. 缶 (kan) : can, tin
834. とんとん (tonton) : tapping, patting
835. 袖 (sode) : sleeve
836. 濡れる (nureru) : get wet
837. パーセント (pa-sento) : percent
838. 上がる (agaru) : go up, increase (in quality or quantity)
839. 拍手 (hakushu) : applause, clapping
840. 弾く (hiku) : play (instruments)
841. ひも (himo) : laces, string
842. 昼過ぎ (hirusugi) : early afternoon
843. 船 (fune) : ship, vessel
844. まく (maku) : scatter, sprinkle
845. 姪 (mei) : niece
846. 個人 (kojin) : individual person
847. 歌手 (kashu) : singer
848. 社員 (Shain) : staff member, employee
849. 不動産屋 (fudousanya) : real estate agent
850. 最大 (saidai) : biggest, largest
851. 動き (ugoki) : movement, motion
852. 事件 (jiken) : affair, incident
853. 過去 (kako) : the past
854. 協力 (kyouryoku) : cooperation, collaboration
855. 時期 (jiki) : time, season
856. 経つ (tatsu) : pass, elapse
857. 雷 (kaminari) : thunder, lightning
858. 責任 (sekinin) : responsibility
859. 願う (negau) : wish, desire
860. 発見 (hakken) : discovery, revelation
861. 気 (ki) : spirit, temperament
862. 美容院 (byouin) : hair salon
863. 状況 (joukyou) : state of affairs, conditions
864. 目的 (mokuteki) : objective, purpose
865. 企業 (kigyou) : corporation, business
866. 釣り (tsuri) : fishing
867. 漫画 (manga) : comics, cartoon
868. 温泉 (onsen) : hot spring
869. トレーニング (tore-ningu) : training, workout
870. 噂 (uwasa) : gossip, rumor
871. 本物 (honmono) : real, truly worthy (things, people)
872. アイデア (aidea) : idea
873. 地下 (chika) : underground
874. マーケット (ma-ketto) : market
875. スケジュール (sukeju-ru) : schedule (loan word)
876. 出張 (shucchou) : business trip
877. コック (kokku) : cook, chef
878. 正午 (shougo) : noon
879. ブラシ (burashi) : brush
880. 書き取る (kakitoru) : write down, note down
881. 歓迎 (kangei) : welcome, greet
882. 開発 (kaihatsu) : development
883. 郵便屋さん (yuubinyasan) : mail carrier
884. 会長 (kaichou) : president, chairperson
885. 金 (kin) : gold
886. 灰 (hai) : ashes
887. 骨 (hone) : bone
888. 風呂屋 (furoya) : bathhouse, public bath
889. 細か (komaka) : small, fine, detailed
890. 行き (yuki) : going, bound for (traditional reading)
891. 人々 (hitobito) : people
892. 寺 (tera) : temple
893. 鶏 (niwatori) : rooster, hen
894. 港 (minato) : port, harbor
895. 移る (utsuru) : move, shift
896. 異なる (kotonaru) : differ
897. 提供 (teikyou) : offer, provide
898. 市民 (shimin) : citizens
899. 患者 (kanja) : patient
900. 元旦 (gantan) : morning of the January 1st, New Year’s Day